Before we code, we document
dojoBefore rolling-up sleeves to make my hands dirty, I would like to document each step we take: the design philosophy, implementation challenge, refactory to keep the community updated what I am doing in this summer.
Here is the draft of Introduction to dojox.gfx3d
library, which will be
eventually merged into the API document, and become much less verbose. Now it is
wordy since I am trying to explain the detailed information about what is under
the hood and why we take the specific approach to cope with this problem.
For best user-experience, please download PDF or DVI; or you may read it online here, if you are using Firefox 1.5 or later with MathML fonts installed, here is another online version; last but not the least, if you would like to contribute to this document, and send feedback for us, here is the LaTEX source.
Though I am using LaTeX, I am not “old school” enough, I am using Kile to edit and build the LaTex. And I still could not figure out how to use latex2html to generate one page HTML or put all the footnotes in one page when using TeX4ht, if you have any clue to do so, please leave me a message in the comments. Thanks.