TODO List for refactoring the desktop
desktopHere is incomplete TODO list for better experience of current FVWM desktop
Fix urxvt “Cannot find terminfo entry for ‘rxvt-unicode’” in remote machine- Find a Mac OS X bar clone
- Dynamic zooming
- Integration of KDE menu
- Drag-n-Drop customization
- Time
- Battery
- Bluetooth
- Wireless
- Instant Message
- Redesign conkyrc with tree view
- Find the solution why scim lag X server
- Title bar redesign
- Add show Desktop
- Reorganize the layout of conky, topbar, icon, bottom bar
Add expose support- TwinView
- Hotkey w/ OSD support
And here is a longer TODO list for the whole system:
- Rsysnc Tiger $HOME with Monkey
- Traffic shape for Mldonkey using tcng
- Mldonkey plugin for Mozilla Firefox
- Cache-coherent MPD
- Zero conference of synchronizing Palm with Kontact w/ IrDA and USB
- KMail w/ GMail Compaq PA-10 support in Linux Kernel 2.6.x
- Python binding for libusb?
- Fuse support
- Yahoo Widget, Apple Dashboard porting
- Yahoo Music Unlimited in Wine, w/ Jack, mencoder to rip WMA music to MP3
- More VIM plugins
- Gelman developed by PyKDE
- PyAWS development