Stream Cipher

What is Cryptography?

The cores of cryptography are:

Beyond the basic:

Stream Cipher

A symmetric cipher is defined over (K,M,C)(\mathcal{K, M, C}): mM,kK:D(k,E(k,m))=m\forall m \in \mathcal{M}, k \in \mathcal{K}: D(k, E(k, m)) = m.

The Encryption E is always randomized, while D is deterministic.

The One Time Pad

Vernam 1917

c=E(k,m)=kmD(k,c)=kc\begin{align} c =E(k, m) = k \oplus m \\ \therefore D(k, c) = k\oplus c \end{align}

Information Theoretic Security

(Shannon 1949): Cipher Text should reveal no “info” about Plain Text.

DEF: A cipher (E, D) over (K,M,C)(\mathcal{K, M, C}) has perfect secrecy if m0,m1M,len(m0)=len(m1)\forall m_0, m_1 \in \mathcal{M}, len(m_0) = len(m_1) and c(C)Pr[E(k,m0)=c]=Pr[E(k,m1)=c]\forall c \in \mathcal(C) P_r[E(k, m_0) = c] = P_r[E(k, m_1) = c] where k is unified distributed in K\mathcal{K}

Lemma: OTP has perfect secrecy if key length \geq message length.

Pseudo Random Generator

We can use pseudo random generator, aka PRG: use a seed to generate the key to avoid sending the key with longer length than the message:

G:{0,1}n{0,1}sG: \{0, 1\}^n \to \{0, 1\}^s and n \gg s

The stream cipher use the pseudo random pad instead of OTP, it does NOT have perfect secrecy, but might be secure enough if PRG is unpredictable.

The PRG is predictable if the chance to predict the bit is larger than 12+ϵ\frac{1}{2} + \epsilon. The ϵ\epsilon determines how hard and how much data needs to be collected to launch the attack, — it should be polynomial .

Do not use glibc random for crypto!

Attacks on Stream Cipher

Use OTP twice is dangerous:

WEP uses 24bit IV concatenated with private k to encrypt the message:

No integrity! The attacker can apply \oplus on cipher text to mutate the plain text!

PRG Security

Uses a statistical test, A and the G:K{0,1}nG:K \to \{0, 1\}^n, the Advantage is defined as:

AdvPRG[A,G]=Pr[A(G(k)=1)]Pr[A(r)=1][0,1] Adv_{PRG}[A, G] = | Pr[A(G(k)=1)] - Pr[A(r)=1] | \in [0, 1]

If Adv is close to 0, A and PRG are not distinguishable.

The PRG is secure if the existing efficient statistical test A, and Adv is negligible.


Semantic Security

Use Shannon’s idea with relaxation, m0,m1Mm_0, m_1 \in \mathcal{M}, and the two distributions are computation non-distinguishable.