HOWTO extend the life of Gentoo laptop
gentoocough, I may not qualify this discussion considering my bad record (1, 2), and I just replace the hard disk for the consequent I/O failure today. Anyway, the readers may learn some lesson from my good/bad practice and avoid the same pitfall.
Gentoo enjoys the reputation for its source-based distribution and highly-customizable package management, portage. However, we pay the price for the flexibility: synchronizing the portage, building applications from source code
Choose the right file system
I am a big fan of JFS regarding its comparable performance with low CPU consumption. Unfortunately, JFS does not support bad block relocation. This is essential since we may still use the hard disk with some dysfunctional sectors, though not suggested. So I decide to take reiserfs as the default FS with LVM.
Pro: I could tell the difference of booting time.
Con: when emerging the package, especially boost, the whole system just lost the responsiveness due to the high I/O traffic.
It is really a tough decision. I may go back to JFS if this hard disk is dead, touch wood.
Using tmpfs
Check this tip in
Gentoo Wiki. The temerge
works as a charm. It builds the application in memory
instead of hard disk, the emerge time is shortened dramatically and the hard
disk access is decreased.
Share the portage over network
Another I/O extensive operation is emerge --sync
. According to this
HOWTO, a shared
portage not only save the hard disk access, but network bandwidth of the sync
servers as well. The file server used in my home network, hippo servers the
multimedia files using Samba for one Dell 700m laptop, tiger, and one Dell
Dimension E521 desktop gorilla. Follow this HOWTO to get Samba works, and we
may adapt the changes mentioned in this HOWTO to the system:
Add the emerge --sync
task to the cron job, /etc/cron.daily/emerge.cron
emerge --sync > /dev/null 2>&1
Export the portage to the public: /etc/samba/smb.conf
comment = public portage
path = /usr/portage
public = no
writable = yes
browseable = yes
valid users = share admin
Auto mount the portage in tiger: /etc/fstab
//hippo/portage /usr/portage cifs user=share,password=foo,iocharset=utf8
If the laptop is roaming, local /usr/portage
would be used. The distfiles
and packages
are left in the local disk just in case we may need them without
network: /etc/make.conf
FEATURES="sandbox ccache -distlocks autoaddcvs confcache"
source /usr/local/portage/layman/make.conf
For eix users: /etc/eixrc
and put the update-eix
into cron.daily
For layman users: /etc/layman/layman.cfg
storage : /usr/local/portage/layman
Offload the build to desktop workhorse