Can you handle SVG?
dojosvgI felt stupid of wasting several hours to debug/test the SVG pattern support in Firefox when I found that Mozilla Firefox did not support this feature at all. The browser even could not render the SVG example from the specification.
Thanks for Gavin’s advice, I emerged the Opera. The test cases run flawlessly, all the SVG features supported by dojo 2D are rendered correctly. Bow to Opera developers!
So far, I have 6 browsers installed in my Gentoo laptop:
- Firefox
- Konqueror 3.5.3
- Opera 9.00 build 344
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0.2800.1106 (w/Wine)
- Links 2.1pre20
- Lynx 2.8.5rel.5
Anybody know how to run Safari on Linux?