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History of Graphic Library

dojo.gfx library has been developed since the Dojo Summer of Code 2006, This 2D graphics library provides a unified interface to manipulate the vector graphics, with 95% behavior consistence for SVG and VML render engines, across Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Chart developers show great interest in dojo.gfx for data visualization and they encourage us to extend the library to support three dimension objects.

dojox.gfx3d is the new library for this feature request. Careful readers may notice the subtle name change: dojo.gfx is developed in dojotoolkit 0.4 code base, using dojo namespace; and dojox.gfx3d is proposed to work in dojo 0.9 code base only, using dojox namespace. To make things even worse, we have migrated dojo.gfx to the 0.9 code base and rename it as dojox.gfx2d. In short, dojo.gfx and dojox.gfx2d refer to 2D graphics library, with the same functionality but in different code base, dojox.gfx3d is the 3D graphics library.

Notice: all the names are subject to change since we are in quite a early stage.
